WHADEVA (Damani Butler, Maude Caillat, Billie Davies) coming soon to your ears

WHADEVA ... coming very soon.

Recorded Feb 13 2020. New Orleans. Ai Corona!

A Dangerous Art Studios - Damani Butler - Cobra Basement project.

Damani Butler - electronics/loops/waves/beats 
Maude Caillat - woodwinds 
Billie Davies - electronic drums 
Mike Davies - audio 

All the music you will hear under "Whadeva" was recorded during the Coronavirus outbreak with a final recording date of February 13. It had not reached New Orleans yet, or so we thought, with mardi-gras slowly but surely going into full swing. 
All we knew was what we heard and read and saw, which then made me think... and we all got sick with some type of flu. 
Aye - Ai - Oy vey - Oei !!!*☆Corona☆*!!!
A month later we were all on lockdown and now it is time to let go, to let this music go.

#dangerousartstudios #cobrabasement #billiedavies #damanibutler #maudecaillat #mikedavies #neworleans #corona #newmusic #newmusicalert

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