A New Project: Music for the 24th century ... first studies & concepts.


Meaning "common (pan) to all the people (demos)," occurs as a surname of Aphrodite, and in a twofold sense... 

First describing her as the goddess of low sensual pleasures as Venus vulgivaga or popularis, in opposition to Aphrodite Urania, or the heavenly Aphrodite. She was represented at Elis by Scopas riding on a ram.

The second sense is that of Aphrodite uniting all the inhabitants of a country into one social or political body. In this respect she was worshipped at Athens along with Peitho (persuasion), and her worship was said to have been instituted by Theseus at the time when he united the scattered townships into one great body of citizens. According to some authorities, it was Solon who erected the sanctuary of Aphrodite Pandemos, either because her image stood in the agora, or because the hetaerae had to pay the costs of its erection. The worship of Aphrodite Pandemos also occurs at Megalopolis in Arcadia, and at Thebes. A festival in honor of her is mentioned by Athenaeus.

Pandemos occurs also as a surname of Eros.

After listening to the music created in this studie/concept suite I ended up calling it Pandemos, I cannot ignore the fact that I hear the influence the current 20-21-22 pandemic has had on the musicians, myself included, that created this music.

The musicians are 

Billie Davies (electronic drums and piano)

Branden James Lewis (trumpet, digital keys, synth waves, loops)

Damani Butler (Electronics n digitized sampling, loops, beats, waves)

The recording n mixing was done by Mike Davies.

This music was created as a proof of concept, a demo, the second day of a 2 two day session where all musicians were together, feeling each other out, experimenting with sound and equipment, even the recording was experimental in nature. The mixing was done to provide balance n clarity, nothing was changed to the intensity,  what or how something was played... 

None of the music of "Pandemos" can be commercialized, produced, released, distributed or copied without prior consent of all the musicians (Billie Davies, Branden James Lewis, Damani Butler).

The recording date of 10/27/2021 establishes natural copyright over the respective work of Billie Davies, Branden James Lewis, and Damani Butler.

This day of November 14, 2021

Billie Davies.

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