
Showing posts from May, 2017

BILLIE DAVIES - A Nu Experience

PYHPO!!! (Put your headphones on) ... full original video (a little trim in the very beginning) of the Billie Davies​ - A Nu Experience 1hr. concert at Music at the Mint​ on 05/19/2017 of their "On Hollywood Boulevard" album recently released at CD Baby​ Dec. 2016. Thank you, Evan Oberla​ for the keys, Oliver Watkinson​ for the bass, Iris P New Orleans​ for the vocals, Mike Davies​ for the logistics and the photography and last but not least, thank you Danny Kadar​ for the recording and the video. Thank you Greg Lambousy​, Raphaelle O'Neil​ and thank you... ! New Orleans Jazz Museum​ ! New Orleans, Louisiana​ ! for having us!

Billie Davies - A Nu Experience at Music At The Mint, May 19

Billie Davies - A Nu Experience at Music At The Mint, May 19 : Billie Davies - A Nu Experience at Music At The Mint, May 19. Musicians: Billie Davies, Evan Oberla, Oliver Watkinson, Iris Poree, - order tickets, find location and other info. Never miss another jazz concert in New Orleans again!