Billie Davies: Whadeva (Live at Dangerous Art Studios February 13, 2020) album review @ All About Jazz
Billie Davies: Whadeva (Live at Dangerous Art Studios February 13, 2020) album review @ All About Jazz : Billie Davies: Whadeva (Live at Dangerous Art Studios February 13, 2020) album review by Geno Thackara, published on August 15, 2020. Find thousands jazz reviews at All About Jazz! "When you think of the music of New Orleans , chances are you're not imagining anything like Whadeva—semi-avant-garde improvisation with light electronics is hardly the first association that comes to anyone's mind. Nonetheless the Big Easy's personality is still clear through this freewheeling EP, which was knocked out in a Ninth Ward studio in one free-spirited day. The trio of players are all based in the city, if not lifelong natives, and they like to channel its spirit of celebration and spontaneity alongside any other parts of their respective backgrounds. This session got a little extra dash of seize-the-day spirit from being made at the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, just when e...