Photo of Billie taken by George McCall about a month ago . Our album, all about Love , has been well received by the Jazz critics in the US, , and according to the Radio reports, we have gotten quite a bit of Radio Play, in Canada, the US, South America and Europe... We're still in Napa right now, but very busy loading everything in the RV and getting organized, waiting for a new toilet for the RV and Mike is busy getting the trailer ready for Maximum safe storage of music instruments and all kinds of stuff we cannot live without lol... . Will send photos once our 'caravan' is ready... :) We wish to leave Napa by/around December 10, my birthday... it's not written in stone yet, but it is what we are hoping for. And of course we will have a little small for good friends only going away party. Then it's off South to L.A. where we will be finishing and recording " 12 Volt ...